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Ստեղծում: 10/09/2010 03:37
Թարմացնել: 10/09/2010 03:57
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: Moncler - 10/09/2010 03:57

vThe commander of the forces, however, can assure the army that he has made none since he left Safamanca which he did not foresee, and was not prepared for: and, as far as he is a judge, they have answered the purposes for which they were intended. When It proper to tight Discount Moncler Jackets Discount Moncler Jacket a battle, he wilt do it, and he will choose the time and place he thinks most fit. Moncler Jackets Moncler Outlet In the 4 mean time, he begs the officers and soldiers of the army to attend diligently to the discharge of their parts, ana to leave to him and the general officers the decision of measures which belong to them alone. Thje army may rest assured, that there is nothing be Moncler Outlet Moncler Coats has more at heart than their honor, and that of their country." The spirit of insubordination and disorder that prevailed in hir own army, was a subject of not Moncler Jacket Moncler Jacket less disquietude and anxiety to the General, than the rapid movements of the enemy. We find him again issuing general orders, at Lugo, Oth of January, 1809, " Generals and cora xnanding officers of the corps must be as sensible as the commander of tbe forces, of the complete disorginiza tion of the enemy.The commander of the forces is tired of giving orders, which are never attended to: h therefore appeals to the honor and feelings of the army he commands, and if thede are not sufficient to induce them to do their duty: he must dispair of succeeding by any other means. He waa forced to order one soldier to be shot at Villa Franca, and he will order ail others to be executed who are gnilty of similar Moncler Clothing Moncler Clothing enormitie. But he considers that there would be no need of proceeding to such extremities, if the officers did their duty : as it is chiefly from Moncler Coats Moncler Jackets their negligence, and the want of proper regulations in the Moncler Moncler regiments, that crimes and irregularities are committed in quarters and upon the march/' It was not, it niay fairly be presun\ed, an ordinary degree of irregularity and excess that' drew from the CommanderinChief such heavy and repeated censures.Sir John, in a letter dated at Benevento, 27th of December, 1808, tells the Marquis of Romana that "